ISSN 2073-8331

Frequency: Once a year (November-December of the current year)

Published since 1968

Editor-in-Chief: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University (India) Ray Joseph Georg.

Aims: The collection of scientific papers highlights the current problems of steppe forestry and forest reclamation of disturbed lands. Considerable attention is given to the results of the study of individual components of forest biogeocenoses, taking into account their interconnections, which were formed and developed in the conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine. A special place is occupied by works devoted to biogeocenological aspects of the reclamation of disturbed lands using the environment-transforming role of forest vegetation in the conditions of the steppe. Some of the publications are devoted to discussing contemporary issues of natural science and its history.

Authors of the journal are known scientists and experts of Ukraine, Spain, India, Germany, France, Poland and other countries. The journal is designed for professional scientists, scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions, postgraduate students, students, specialists in steppe forestry and forest reclamation of disturbed lands.

Languages: Ukrainian, English.

The collection of scientific works "Issues of steppe forestry and forest reclamation of soils" is a printed scientific professional publication, published once a year. Founder - Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.

Certificate of State registration of the print media - series KV No. 23402-13242PP of March 22, 2018.

Collection of scientific works "Issues of steppe forestry and forest reclamation of soils" is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which the results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences in biological sciences may be published by the decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education.12.12 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1328 dated 21.12.2015)

Collection of scientific papers "Issues of steppe forestry and forest reclamation of soils" is presented in international and national scientific databases, search engines:

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory database;
Google Scholar Scientific Information Search Engine
OpenDoar Open Directory (United Kingdom);
information resource of the National Library of VI Vernadsky "Scientific periodicals of Ukraine";

Current Issue

Vol 53 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-30


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